Saturday, December 3, 2016

Uggg! Standardized Tests!

 This is a silly way to begin but often more true than not. As a "testaphobe" I feel we have got to come up with another way of assessing children's knowledge. Children must be assessed to gain insight to their knowledge but it must be the whole child not just the academic child. Research shows that some of the least engaged students are the highest achievers (Wright, 2013). The reason for this is becasue these students have learned how to "do school" yet are only retaining information for the test and then it is out of their heads. Passing these tests says a child is good at school but does not say this same child will grow to show empathy for other human beings, be able to manage money, or give back to the community. Schools need to do assessments in ways that the child does not necessarily know she/he is being tested. There are so many technology tools that can be used in-which the child feels she/he is playing a game. Teachers can use group project and portfolios as well as any tests that may be needed. To assess children in this fashion teaches the child how to learn which she/he will continue on into adulthood. We need to think of the child in our classroom not only as a kid we have for ten months but how we can educate who that child could grow up to be.

Wright, S. (2013) Academic teaching doesn't prepare students for life. Retrieved from

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